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Heart Healing Crystal Grid is designed to support you in healing and moving forward from heart wounds. Each element helps to heal and attune your energy so that you may give and receive loving energy in a new way.

6" Heart Crystal Grid- Joyful Love Energy

Rose Quartz- Open heart center & attract love

Clear Quartz- Amplifies and directs energy Chrysocolla- Releases grief, fear and sadness through self awareness and self expression

Rainbow Moonstone- Brings up old emotional patterns to change

Aventurine- Dissolve stressful thoughts & feelings

Blue Lace Agate- Overcome self-sabotage & rejection

Rhodonite- Healing a broken heart

Lepidolite- Release of old patterns

Flourite- Focus & clarity of purpose

Jasmine Flowers- Dissolve emotional barriers & uplift

Lavender Flowers- Peace & Balance

Throughout time, sacred altars have been created through ritual as a vessel for a specific energy or intention. Crystal grids work in the same way. The intention of the creator is imbued into the grid as each stone is thoughtfully placed. it serves as a means of continuing to send energy towards your intention and as you tend to it each day by lighting a candle or saying a prayer near it, that energy grows. It also serves as a focus point for you, helping you keep your intention top of mind.

Heart Healing Crystal Grid

SKU: Default 93
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